Monday, February 23, 2009

Zingy Love from Jim Farris!

“Ann-Elizabeth Shapera is a fool! And I mean that in the most professional, entertaining, energizing, intelligent, literate, life-affirming way possible. Through her character, "Jane, the Phoole", Ann-Elizabeth has given life and meaning to the "fool" in all of us. She embodies a carefree spirit, who is at the same time aware, responsible and caring for the thousands of people she has encountered over the years. Never mean-spirited, "Jane" can often put us in our place, but with a smile ... and the smile is ours! I highly recommend Ann-Elizabeth, and "Jane", for any circumstance where good humor and sparkling wit are called for.”

(Jim Farris directs interactive educational theatrical happenings at the Kenosha Civil War Museum, , and was one of the great forces behind the heyday glory of the Guilde of St. George at the Bristol Renaissance Faire.)

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