Monday, October 13, 2008

Nepotistic Praise from Serious Artist Tom Charney

"I keep thinking about how awesome you are with the audience. You are extremely rare in your abilities with the crowd. Your sense of comic timing is astounding! And so is your ability to read people and groups. You know exactly what to say and how to react. I am in awe of how skilled you really are! I think [since I'm your husband and live with you,] I get to see more of the self-deprecating A-E and less of the skilled professional improv artist that you are which makes those 'Jane' moments so impactful!"

[Tom is my husband, but he's also a brilliant performer and artist himself, so his testimonial should definitely count.]

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wicked Shout-Out from Improv Wizard Deanna Antony

"I was just thinking about how electric it was to run into you and Tom Charney with guest. I think I became borederline obnoxious on the ride home with my friend Christie, as I said different variations of 'That was so crazy cool we ran into them' about every 15 min. I was replaying that moment and every other magical moment you are attached to in my thought-feeling memories on constant loop. This is the over due thanks. Being someone in my life saga, who rattles and shakes and indents on areas I wasn't even aware of. Someone who sticks around in your cells long after the time has past and reminds you of how everything is connected and how much fun life is/can be if you let. it.Thanks for being magical. I hope you are having many adventures of the very best kind."

Smashing Compliment from Patron Dean Ogren

"Was my first time at the Faire and I had a marvelous time, in part I am sure due to you. Thanks for the nice pin for my shirt. I now have it in my office in New Jersey. I was also delighted to see that you are hawking tasteful togs, I bought a raglan sleeve shirt for myself and my friend who is a great fan as well. You were famous with him. We are waiting for the results, and I have reminded him that he made a promise to you to send a copy. Be watching for it. And finally we love the smoking dress. Smashing."

Extreme Kindness from Phoole Friend Jamie Grado

"I just wanted to let you know how much that we enjoy all that Jane the Phoole does to enhance your faire; here is a copy of a letter that I sent to her personally not so long ago: 'Jane, I just want to thank you so much for participating with the letterboxers; I want to thank you so much for treating my daughter and others with such wonderful kindness; you are a real sweetheart and adored by many, you stay kind and take of yourself always!' Ya know, we are usually in the parking lot each day of faire when Jane comes to the stage on top of the gate, and my daughter's face lights up every time and says, 'Comeon comeon! There's Jane! Hurry!' Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter."

Generous Niceness from Patron Jim Dohr

"Jane the Phoole is THE BEST! Every time I saw her she was not only entertaining, she was down-right funny. Her bubbly personality makes her a joy to be around."

Sweet Somethings from's Miz Ronnie!

"I will be recording a show on Wednesday, and it will be on the web on Thursday again, I would like to thank you so much for your cooperation (you came across the camera beautifully)! It was wonderful meeting you; you have such a Beautiful energy; interviewing you was a pure joy, so Thank you for being so giving...Please stay in touch and if you're ever in Chicago, please let me know; we would love to tape a show with you!"

High Praise from Patron Carole Burns

"Dear Jane, I just want to tell you that you are my idol. I have been involved in theater since 3rd grade and have done everything from act to direct - yet I can't bring it upon myself to do improv. My son, James has been in the St. Michael's guilde for the past 2 years and really wants me to become a part of the faire - but I could never live up to the fantastic people he works with. I really enjoy attending the faire and have become quite the 'jane stalker' because I love watching your antics and am amazed at how easy you make it seem. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and reminding me to live 'outside the box' again! Someday I will return to my love - the theater - but until then I can enjoy living in the walls of the faire and watching my idols rule the day."

Kind Words From Bristol Renaissance Faire Patron Jacob Staven

"You are a wonderful actress, Jane. You are also a great performer. You are a true person."

Mighty Kudos from Bristol Renaissance Faire Performer Mary Hough

"You are so brilliant with the audience and your interactions that it really is Jane the Phoole up there. That may sound weird, but you have created the ultimate character, which is why you're so tired at the end of the day. You do more in one day than most of us do in a season or several seasons, and you should be really proud of what you bring to the show. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your creativity and energy."

Generous Compliment from Bristol Renaissance Faire Patron Kurt Magoon

"I wanted to send a quick note of praise for you and all of your cohorts at Bristol. We have been there twice this year and completely enjoyed ourselves both times. Being an actor, I can imagine how difficult it is to perform for such long stretches. I don't know if I could be 'on' all day long like that. Keep up thy great work."

Tremendous Praise From Design Genius Andrew March

"Watching her perform was like watching rain fall from leaves in a forest - elemental, unstoppable, elegant, entrancing and effortless all at the same time."

Compliment for Jane and the Amazing Marcella Kearns from Cordelia Gelly

Kearnsie and I received this compliment after doing a Shakespearean Sonnet Workshop at a high school on behalf of Milwaukee Shakespeare:

"Hey, you girls got rave reviews from the teen dinner table tonight. You Go Girl! High school students during AP exams? That is the hardest audience anyone could have. You did such a great job of making it fun, being funny and crowd management. It was just what they all needed during this high stress period. Thanks so much!"

Praise from Bristol Renaissance Faire's former Artistic Director, Ron Scot Fry

"Your legend is far too brilliant to be woven in anything as common as gold. It must be forged from the very energy of all that is magic and excellent in this world and all others, in a length both mighty and infinite. Don't sell yourself short."

Giant Compliment from the amazing Frank Skony

"As I was perusing some old pictures the other day, I came across one of the Nobles Glade from... Oh, back in 96 I think, which is one of my earliest recollections of being in your presence....You're sitting on the dias, No,not in your now customary place, but off with the maids on one side...Sitting in your blue gown with the large diamonds all over it, biggens cap covering your head just so.... holding what appears to be, and I think was,a gourd hollowed out, open in the back, with some eye holes to act as a mask... We were all so much younger then.... and it almost seems like yesterday and another time all rolled into one, but one thing I noticed in that picture, is the exact same light coming from your face that is still there today, shining perhaps even brighter with the wisdom you've gained as we've seen the dawn of a new millenium, watched good friends come and go from our lives, and faced the hardships that are life as an artist. I've been blessed to know and be a small part of your life, to see you laugh when you're not so happy, to see you cry when you're overjoyed and overwhelmed, to see just what someone can do with their talents, and to see where those talents can take someone personally. You inspire people everyday, wether you know it or not, and you, I think, are well on your way to becoming a legend, not only in your living room, but in the world at large. You have done all of these things, and you're only 33! I can only hope that in 4 years, when I'm at my 'Jesus Day' as you so hilariously called it, that I can look back at the small part of my life that has passed, and say, 'I did that' with as much confidence as I know you can. You have been a great influence in my life... Yeah, as all actors are prone to do, we don't hangout as much as we should or want to, we are separated by a state line and lots of farms that conspire against us at times, but since I have known you, I have always wanted to be, in some small way, a bit like you, and have taken your lead in my endeavours, and in my life...You are the best!"